Hounslow Town Primary School topping out

A big thank you to everybody that attended our Hounslow Town Primary School ‘topping out’ ceremony. We reserve special thanks to the site team led by Peter Adams and also Countryside for their support.

Pictured from the left (front row) Headteacher, Mrs. Laura Khalil, Leader of the Council, Cllr Steve Curran (second left back row) Frances Rowswell, Chair of Governors, Hounslow Town Primary School. (back row right) and Cllr Pritam Grewal (front row right).

This school construction project comprises a reinforced concrete framed, brick clad school building that is part two and part three storey, and will be located on land adjacent to the existing school. Once completed, the existing school will be demolished and part of that site landscaped as school playground and sports facilities.
