Jerram Falkus judges Eco Architect Activity at Britannia Village Primary School

As part of the 15billionebp ‘World of Work’ events, Jerram Falkus staff acted as ‘a judging panel’ for a Year 5 and 6 Eco Architect Activity at Britannia Village Primary School in Newham.

Our team spent the afternoon at the school with twenty Year 6 children, who delivered group presentations on buildings that they had designed completely with eco measures built-in. The students had drawn plans of their buildings, made scale models and had a financial budget for each project. The designs included a shop, a community centre, a hospital, and a hotel.

The students listened as Jerram Falkus’ judges gave feedback and then took the suggestions into consideration to improve upon their work. We also gave each child a small gift to reward them for working so hard on their construction and design project.

Nicole Cumberbatch, the class teacher said:

“It was a great afternoon. The volunteers were impressed with the children’s models and presentations. The volunteers were also good with the children – they engaged with them really well and answered all of their questions.
Please convey my thanks to all of the volunteers. Thank you for organising this project.”

Jerram Falkus will be working alongside 15billionebp to deliver meaningful learning engagement to other schools in the coming months across East London.
