The residential construction project consisted of the design and build of 21 new social housing units comprising 11 flats over two three-storey blocks, and 10 houses in two terraces. Tenure mix was 12 units affordable rent (including two wheelchair accessible units) and 9 units shared ownership.
All foundations were piled due to poor quality of made ground. Decontamination due to previous industrial site usage, and diversion of a public sewer crossing the site. Flats comprised a reinforced concrete frame with traditional brick cladding, with a Metsec inner wall, with flat roofs. Traditionally built houses brick/block cavity walling and zinc cladding to upper levels and roofs. Engineered timber upper floor structures.
Our residential construction team worked on extensive external works including the provision of new roads, pavements, street lighting and car parking, all built to adoptable standards. Private gardens with cycle and bin storage, and communal areas also housing shared cycle storage, bin and recycling stores, and recreational spaces.
Designed and built to Code 4 for Sustainable Homes, Lifetimes Homes and Secured by Design standards as well as to achieve NHBC certification and 12 year cover. Stringent Section 106 provision of Local Labour, Training and Community Benefits, including provision of Apprenticeship placements.
Get in touch today if you want an established construction company to help with your residential project.